One PAUL STATION typically delivers between 2 m³/day and 6 m³/day of potable water and thus can provide water for hundreds of persons, e.g. at communities, villages, schools, hospitals, temples etc.

Video "How to build a PAUL STATION"

This 12 minute video shows how to set up, start up, operate and maintain a PAUL STATION.


What you need to build a PAUL STATION

To build a station, of course, you need a PAUL. Then there are accessories (see left) that can be ordered in a handy package. You can also buy these parts yourself at your place. But the advantage of this assembled package is that everything fits perfectly.

The rack for the PAUL STATION must be built by yourself. In the manual and in the video you will find important information about what to consider when building a rack for the PAUL STATION so that it works well.

Raw Water Sources

PAUL can be used with rainwater, groundwater from wells or river water and maybe even other sources. However, the best source for raw water is rainwater, most likely from a pond. Usually, rainwater is free from:

– geologic load (e.g. arsenic, other heavy metals)
– industrial pollution
– pollution from farming (e.g. nitrate)

The solids that usually cause the brown color of most ponds will be removed perfectly by PAUL. Also consider the possibility for rainwater harvesting. Storage in a cistern, tank or simply a reservoir/lagoon/pond.